Monday, October 29, 2012


We all want peace.

We all want peace. And most of us also wish for; a less stressful life, healing for ourselves and others, answers, more money, happier relationships, a better job, vacation, better weather, different circumstances than we are in, something to be over or something to begin, so on and so forth....a desire of some sort for something better in the near future... the desiring and wanting is the all pervasive condition of the personal, egoic I, separate self. The separate personal egoic I can only exist in the past or future. What if we were to say right now, this very instant as you are reading these words that this IS as good as it gets, this very moment and the next and the next....try it on for size, roll with the idea that right now is as good as it gets.... you may land yourself in the present moment (if your attention is there and not in thought) and smile knowing that this IS as good as it gets!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Change...No Change.

External Change occurs constantly. Just observe nature and one can witness changes on the most  grandiose or subtle scale. The body does the exact same thing whether one recognizes it or not. There is birth, living and death. External changes of all forms occur over what we call  time.

Internal Change happens when we have a sudden stir (or shock) that gives rise to a knowing that the external world is not making sense. This generally marks what is known as "inquiry" into, "Is this really life?" or "Who am I?"  Once this occurs there is no turning back! When your eternal Self is known  you will know only changeless stillness, changeless  peace & joy as who you and all others are, your shared oneness...from here one might say I am Awake and living!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Accept what is....

Can you truly accpet what is occurring right now... right now in your life without judging it, analyzing it or having a running commentary about it...?

Accepting what is at every given moment does not come from the personal I construct. Your personality self will always interpret each moment from a conditioned past through comparison  or opinion. Acceptance is letting things be as they are with no thought attached. Not an easy thing sense we have been so programmed to separate and name everything & every experience through the personal I thought system.Once you observe this in yourself there will be a loosening, an expansion of something new to be there...acceptance!
In this, there is freedom in every moment. This does not mean that you do not contribute or share, on the contrary, when there is true acceptance a natural response or action (or not) will occur without motivation.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Who's asking....

When thoughts arise, ask "Who is asking this? or Who's opinion is this? ...the answer will always be  the personal "I." The personal self (personality/ego) will always be commentating on just about is what we have been conditioned to do.

Ask too, "Who is it that needs to know?" and "Why does one need to know?"

 In the answers to these questions you will find where you are attached to thought.  Let it all go...thought is not you!