Sunday, March 21, 2021


The separate individual me see's life through an experience that it is happening to me... Identifying life as "what I experience(ed)."

In truth everything is utterly astoundingly simple, ordinary and alive with no experience or experiencer.

The flower, sky, wind, sun, bird, poop, hand, cup, hot dog etc. all simply alive as is.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Timeless Wonder...

The separate self me sees through a veil of conditioned experiential perceptions when in fact there is no separation thus no perceiver nor perception.....only timeless wonder as everything.


Sunday, March 14, 2021

Path To No Where...


The separate individual me sees life as being on a path to something, to someone that will make it happy, successful, peaceful or less stressful, less painful, less disappointment etc....the good news is Life is life with no path or journey to take!