Friday, August 23, 2013


        In this life of "time' we all have had moments, brief as they may be of knowing the underlying truth of all. We may not have been able to articulate them nor completely identified with these moments of truth but we all have had glimpses without a doubt knowing something much deeper than what appears.  Don't try to recall the moment(s), put no effort in trying to remember ...that would be of the ego, the personal I conjuring up experience(s). Give your self permission to let everything be as it is through out your day, little to no interference is best. Even in a working environment noninterference can happen...let all things be. This will give you rest, maybe even peace... rest is needed as awakening blooms within you!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Be the Buddha, Flower and the One who see's....

Buddha lifted a lotus flower in his hands for all to see at a gathering, the silence of sound was there but only one saw behind the flower. Be the Buddha, the flower and the one who sees! You can, quiet that which is compulsive...go beyond the sound of silence, go beyond what is seen.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Mirror Image...

      Behind every form there is the eternal, that which you are. We spend a life time focusing on the seen, the tangible...spend a few minutes, moments each day with what is behind the may discover that you see yourself! This is what is meant as the "mirror image."