Friday, February 10, 2012

Lifting the veil....

 To "lift the veil" to see who you truly are, one has to face the personal I ... to I! You can't let go of the personal I identity, until you step aside and watch how personal I operates. One need to observe how  thoughts create patterns, suffering, expectations, outcomes, disappointments, plans, I’ m right,  attachments, the past & future etc.. When you watch your thoughts there is a space that allows you to rest. If you’re not feeling at rest you’re attached to a thought, just recognize this and return to watching thought.

Story: There once was a student who went to a spiritual teacher and wearily announced that they were unable to stop the mind thoughts no matter how committed to their meditative practice. The student was exhausted and agitated from trying and wanted an answer.The spiritual teacher directed the student to find the highest point, open your coat as wide as possible and try to catch the wind. The student left, climbed the highest point, opened the coat  as wide as possible to try to catch the wind only to discover that it was impossible to do.

It is impossible to stop the personal mind (like trying to catch the wind). Our personal mind plays an important role, we really don't want it to stop, it is needed to experience & express through the body. We are talking here about the attention we give to thoughts and believing these thoughts are our identity. This is where all trouble, fleeting happiness & suffering occur.

Watching yourself is a great step towards just how the personal I has an opinion, idea & judgment on everything & everyone. The problem does not arise with the I having all these thoughts, the problem arises when we give it our fullest attention and live from these thoughts.

Many spiritual practices bring rest when we are in the practice of them but without the vigilant effort to watch how the mind is at play, you will remain behind the veil to who you truly are.

Face off!  Go I to I and watch… only you can lift the veil.


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