Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 Why does one do anything? 

Because its just, the right thing to do, makes sense, because you researched it, I have too no one else will, always wanted to, its my job, my responsibility, my lot in life, it pays the bills, I was told to, guilt, etc...

My favorite response  to this question is when you ask a child "Why did you do that?" and their response is  "I don't Know."

Do we really know why we do anything other than a conscious thought that feels like an answer a direction?

When the separate identity ceases it's clear that you have never made any choices or decisions nor has anyone else. Sounds crazy to a separate individual who works hard at making the right choices, decisions to stay a float and centered on a path...And yet if revealed it is seen that no one has ever made a choice or decision, life's norm simply appears to unfold day in and day out miraculously as it always has!

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