Monday, November 13, 2023


Death is a concept that gives rise to all fear. Death is fear of loss, fear of ending and fear of the unknown.

Death is the grounded position that frightens, feels unsafe and brings on worry anxiety depression. 

Death may also be a celebration and a relief. Either way death carries angst unsatisfied unfulfilled restless feelings.

The separate self identity ensures all this...theres no escaping death/fear's grip as death signifies the end of separations energy. Death is only real in the illusion of  'I am a separate individual with my own separate identity I was born and I will were born and you will die.' As long as the energy of separation is your 'modus operandi' death/fear remain a corner stone to the separate individual.

Yes you appear to have a body solid and real and yes the body will end. Are you just a body with rapid thoughts that never last? Where is your true nature? What is this crazy overlay that appears to keep you from being boundless love with no opinions judgements all inclusive equanimity...????

It appears to be a bit of a game of 'hide and seek' never losing either way ;)

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