Sunday, January 29, 2023


    Unconditional love is not bound by time and space. Unconditional love is all inclusive prior, beyond and every apparent happening within time and space. It can not be known nor seen by a separate self me. Me can only embrace unconditional love as a concept.

   The lived experience of separation will only know special love as separation divides everything.

   Unconditional love is not a thing, feeling nor sensation to take possession of.

  Unconditional love is recognized as the sum of the whole when the energy of separation stops. There will be no separate you knowing nor recognizing this. There is simply the recognition that everything and no-thing is unconditional love. 


Friday, January 27, 2023


 The energy of separation see's objectively... me and an other, all objects identified with meaning, purpose or an inquiry to know within time and space. Separate self/me conceptualizes from accumulated knowledge and experiences projecting images/ideas onto others and things. This is the  (not) seeing of separation. 

Seeing All whole complete infinite boundless unconditioned love is the natural way of seeing. There is no individual me that see's.

Seeing is pure seeing...


Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 "Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you truly                                         love." ~ Rumi

   You have this pull in you it has never stopped inching or thrusting you along. The separate self you will look in vein for love, never to find it. You are love. Seeking what you already are is hopeless. Can you see this? To be silent to be still is not inaction rather a ceasing of the illusional chatterbox stories that me thinks it owns.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


    The idea that separation is an illusion carries no logic to a separate individual me. Me holds a steadfast position priding itself through accumulative knowing and/or understanding. Knowledge is power and revered in our culture. Who you are does not require one to be knowable as you already are. 

                     Every breath in all forms is one in the same~

                     The heart of the matter is always our oneness~ Rumi

                   Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole                                 wall is an illusion. ~ Rumi

                    Look where there has been a shade pulled over the light                                      of your heart~

Sunday, January 15, 2023


       "How are you today...this moment?" she asks. 

            Inside there is only peace deep silence

       How do I respond to  'how am I today?'

           There is no today no moment no time no me 

       Out from my mouth a whisper says "I'm fine and you?"

   When separation ends the separate identity ends too. All perceptions, stories, habits, conditions, time they all collapse yielding as/into  unconditional love. The dance of life flows continually effortlessly infinitely within around through and from you never ceasing...never has not. 

Monday, January 9, 2023


    The individual separate me feels a sense of something missing or something needs to fulfill me. This leads to a seeker that looks to fill the missing gap. Me takes up a myriad of experiences that may or may not fulfill the 'missing' ... an endless pursuit in order to satisfy the missing. 'Whats missing' can arise in all relationships be it work, partner, family, friends, play, vocation etc.. With the energetic nature of separation lies a missing gap for all individuals. See this.


Sunday, January 8, 2023



" You will come in due course to realize your true glory lies                                  where you cease to exist."

                                                                ...Ramana Maharshi

M -Does that statement mean when my body dies I will discover a possible heaven or nirvana or an afterlife better than this one or something like that...?

S -Your missing the mark

M -How so?

S -'where you cease to exist' is the end/death of seeing as a separate other words the contracted energy of separation stops. Your life continues no longer as a separate me but as life itself. When separation ceases where you look from is full empty boundless no edges whole complete pure vibrant alive love. It is recognized with utter certainty that this has always been. What is can not be objectified. 

M -You make it sound beautiful...this is what I want, this is how I want to feel all the time...I'm really tired of being a me.

S -I can relate to the feeling of being a tired me. Yes the me wants this yet it also does not want to cease, to die, me wants a peaceful you see this.What you are is not a feeling nor a sensation. Feelings, sensations and thoughts still arise but for no one.When the illusion/dream of being a separate me no longer exists it is seen it was just an illusion nothing more. The question is... Do you want to die, cease to exist?

M -Yes..I think so...Although I do not understand how it all I don't quite get it but there is a strong urge in me to say yes I want to die...but I really don't want to die if you know what I mean.

S -Yes I know what you mean. The identity of a body as yourself often takes this message as fearful or ridiculous as separation sees a world beginning with birth ending with death and a life in between. Too die before you die is a conundrum to the separate self me. When separate self me ceases there can be a sense of unprecedented freedom.Me can not fathom a life without a me controlling the helm it wants both, me and freedom.

M- Hmmm If you say so...

S - Actually I'am not saying anything. Words happen this conversation is happening...for no one from no one. Die before you die, cease to exist before the death of a body is what is being pointed to. In other words there isn't a you and there is not a you that will know and there isn't a me inside this body saying these words. 

M - I think I hear what your saying but... thank you.. so anything I say are just words arising? I get this but the 'for no one' is really hard to grasp as I am sitting here and your sitting you know what I mean 

S -You haven't heard what's being shared. For someone to be sitting here and another there would be two.You think there is a you a separate individual inside your body and a separate individual inside this body...that is dualism. There is no separation please do not try to 'get it' let the energy of what is just be. There is nothing to seek, find nor an experience that brings you to anything...this is it, this is it, this is it...simply this is it. 

M -Ok thank you.

S -Your welcome love.