Thursday, February 28, 2013


      You are not the externals that come and go in one's life. We are conditioned to believe that we are, that we created them & responsible for them... this believed "reality" is an illusion, a nightmare. It is this believed separate self  "reality" that causes pain and are not any of this.

Go inward, stay inward, observe breath, watch without the personal I's attention to labeling or judging...the body will join the dance of life as the dancer, perfectly timed step by step without the personal I separate self are not the choreographer of life's dance, you are the dance!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


                         Don't imagine the truth...Be the truth.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lightness of Being...

        All thoughts are distractions. Placing your attention on thoughts creates a density within us, thus unable to recognize the magnificence of life moving through us. Place attention on the present moment without labeling, categorizing, preferencing (another words, no judgement) and you will naturally feel a sense of lightness.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Do you know who you are?

Can you locate who you are? Can you set out on a table who you are? If you were to lose a leg or arm would you be any less of who you are? Discover for yourself who you are without thought telling you.

Friday, February 15, 2013

No Path, no journey...

         There is no path, journey one must take in order to Self-realize. This is only an idea, a thought that one must "do" something, or take steps, make ready,etc. in order to become. Know that you already are, stillness, peace joy, unlimited!  If you feel lack in any way (physically, emotionally, intellectually) you have chosen to believe in a thought that you have forgotten who you are. Stop playing a child's game. Know that you know and have fun with life! No path, no journey....move inward and let all externals play out around you.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love...that knows no opposite.

"Teach only love for that is what you are." ...acim

 The way here is discovering what you are not! Look inward and see all concepts and ideas you hold/believe about yourself and ask, where do these beliefs come from, where do they originate...question every thought that is believed.

You will discover that you, the you who you think you are is not you at all but only an idea, a thought. This knowing of what you are not, can allow enough light/space through revealing your true nature .... A love that knows no opposite. And this "you" will teach only love, for that is what you are.