When immeasurable infinite love swells within and beyond your story landscape of life you will desire nothing else but to live from this ground.
~Self-Realization Gatherings ~ Contact Suse at susewicks@gmail.com for more info. The sharing here is to expose the illusion of a separate self/me. At the moment we meet on phone conference call first Saturday of each month at 9am~10:30am EST.Contact susewicks@gmail.com for more info. Posting on Instagram as well.
When immeasurable infinite love swells within and beyond your story landscape of life you will desire nothing else but to live from this ground.
Within you is a written contract of the heart.
The heart of loving unconditionally.
The heart of compassionate presence.
The heart of compassionate tears.
The heart of compassionate joy.
Your written contract of the heart is always available to review, recommit ... it's gentleness is ever present whispering to you!
It is said "To know love one must know loss as well"
This is true in a world of separation I - You... We - They
Loss only arises when there is a concept of having and owning in your landscape
To have you will lose
To own you will lose
Sometimes a loss is delightful
But for most a loss (temporary or not) causes innumerable distress
Loss is a worldly human condition of separation.
Loss is the antithesis of Love only when there is a you who claims to have and own.
Love knows no loss as Love is inclusive. The experience of loss can happen within the arms of
Love but LOVE itself knows no loss for Love is not tethered to having and owning.
It's within you ... to recognize you have never not been100% Love... ;)