Everything is the infinite boundless Beloved...
Rest in this thisness.
~Self-Realization Gatherings ~ Contact Suse at susewicks@gmail.com for more info. The sharing here is to expose the illusion of a separate self/me. At the moment we meet on phone conference call first Saturday of each month at 9am~10:30am EST.Contact susewicks@gmail.com for more info. Posting on Instagram as well.
The separate self me is full of conflict and contradictions. When this is seen a door opens to possibilities to recognize life otherwise.
Knowing Understanding Experiencing are the key ingredients perpetuating separate self me.
More Knowing deeper Understanding and a better Experience is the life line for separate self me.
Me is always seeking something for itself as it can not see itself as whole... me is an energetic field of I am and everything else is a part from me... un-whole incomplete. Me can not get rid of its charted course of always needing for more Knowing deeper Understanding and better Experiences...it has no where else to go. See the KUE.
Me can see that a past is memory, a future never arrives and present presence is spontaneous appearances yet me continually overlooks by positioning itself with a story of getting something, going somewhere, and/or knowing more with a constant need of change to make things/life better...this illusion/dream can not help itself as its very nature is always restless and discontented with what is. When the energy of a separate self me stops all tension, restlessness ceases. Life continues just as it always has been... without an energetic separate self me that thinks it is a body/mind dreaming this is my life my story.
What is is what is looked for but the separate self me needs a knowing a sensation a feeling some kind of an experience to validate that what is is what me is looking for ...it will never happen. The separate self me stands as an illusion. Recognition recognizes what is is all there is. Me illusion is always in the position of needing even when it declares I need nothing (that is still a position). See how need is the primary posture as a separate self me identity.