Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 There is no returning to home, no coming home, no looking for home nor I want to go home...Home never leaves. Home is everything appearing and no thing simultaneously. 

Home is always... as all ways. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Everything and anything can arise...Freedom is not owning what arises. No one is holding onto anything...

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Going Nowhere...

    To the separate individual me, getting, going and returning appear to be the norm and a relative constant. When separation ends it is recognized that there was a no one separate individual me that went anywhere. 

Life is both empty and full, movement, stillness, sound, soundless, etc. Life is fully and completely alive as it is always fresh. Life does not need a narrative, description, an analysis or comment ... What is is already whole, perfect boundless unconditional love

There is no one separate me that will know nor acknowledge when the energy of separation ends yet there is a recognition that separation is an illusion yet inclusively  flawless in the infinite possibilities of life. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Home is everything, nothing, nowhere and everywhere. Home is not an understanding, knowing nor a location. Home is not contained as it is boundlessness itself. Home has no identity being everything, nothing, everywhere and nowhere. There are no words nor expressions that can define home... for whatever is happening, appearing is always home.

Rest, relax home never leaves.