Thursday, March 28, 2019


    The separate self me identity will always strive and look for solutions, a remedy or an answer. A separate self me will never accept that everything already is its perfection and needs nothing.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Beyond and Prior...

  The separate self me strives for comfort, peace, happiness and will work at minimizing or avoiding pain, discomfort, dis-ease, loss, etc. It will always work in the capacity to achieve, to get and to know. The separate self me depends entirely on time and knowing... Who you truly are needs nothing and is both prior and beyond time... its not a miracle its the truth!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


    Simultaneously you are both stillness and movement. You are the dance, the dancer and the space in-between.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Seeking is Pointless...

   What one longs for has never left. The seeker seeks what is unknowable, as the seeker can only search for what can be known.

       You are life itself...there is nothing to know, nothing to get.

Friday, March 8, 2019


  There's no where to go, there's nothing to get and there's nothing to do will never satisfy nor sit right with a seeker. Your not a seeker, you're no-thing and every-thing! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

No You...

   Awakening, enlightenment is a falling away of a you. It is a dropping of an illusion...a false identity that never was. There is no replacement of an awakened enlighten you. There is what always has been, nothing separate...everything and no thing.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Loose Yourself...

"Loose yourself to find yourself." What does this actually mean...Intellectually speaking "Loose yourself"  is a complete dissapparance of the idea that a separate self, me, individual exists.
"To find yourself" is a knowing prior and beyond the mind that you are everything and nothing simultaneously...nothing is separate.

Sunday, March 3, 2019


   The very nature of believing in a separate individual self me is a contraction in and of itself to the direct boundless, unlimited nature that you are. Your natural 'inheritance' is unconditional love...nothing else. Your natural 'inheritance' is not a story of the past, nor memories nor what is yet to arise. Always first and foremost you are love with absolutely no conditions. It's that simple!