Thursday, February 23, 2017

Liberate Yourself Now!

     You are unchanging Awareness. This is always available to you as your Awareness has never left you as you are Awareness, you simply were taught to see the world through a single lens of an identity that believes itself to be separate. If you can be aware that you are reading these words now (and you can)...know that you are awakened! It is simple, Be your natural Aware Self it is truly, truly liberating!

Hint; The one seeking cannot find the Self it can only Be the Self, this is the discovery each one must make.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Imeasurable Love...

     It is only thought that generates an attachment to phenomena. In truth everything you see means nothing. If an object means something to you, ask the question who has given this meaning? And why and for what purpose?
   Seeing that everything you see has no meaning is seeing where attachment lies. Seeing that everything has no meaning is seeing from the heart and here immeasurable love spontaneously blooms forth!

Thursday, February 16, 2017


                   The I that says my thoughts come and go...
                            Is the I you are looking for!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Drop the Story...

   Only mind creates a  story from experiences and you are not your story's experience! Know this and discover what you are instead of a story that keeps on running over and over... Story's will continue to run as long as you identify yourself as a separate individual..

Friday, February 3, 2017

Bloom to Rebloom!

    Discovering your true self is an awakening that never sleeps again! Your truth is available to you 24/7. Blossom to the knowing of this and keep blooming and re-blooming until you know yourself as both the beauty and the scent of the flower itself. Always... you are divine expression.